Falcon 4.0 Debug Variables for Visual Basic  by   Robert Favre
 The only problem with using VB to get to the F4 variables (and it's not a big one in my opinion), is that VB cannot access the shared memory variables directly.  They have to be copied into a data type that VB can access.
Data Type Variable

This is where we create the 'container' that will house out F4 variables.  This code should also be placed into 'Declarations' section of your program.

Public Type FlightData 
  x As Single
  y As Single
  z As Single
  xDot As Single
  yDot As Single
  zDot As Single
  alpha As Single
  beta As Single
  gamma As Single
  pitch As Single
  roll As Single
  yaw As Single
  mach As Single
  kias As Single
  vt As Single
  gs As Single
  windOffset As Single
  nozzlePos As Single
  internalFuel As Single
  externalFuel As Single
  fuelFlow As Single
  rpm As Single
  ftit As Single
  gearPos As Single
  speedBrake As Single
  epuFuel As Single
  oilPressure As Single
  lightBits As Integer
End Type
Global F As FlightData

The above code defines a user variable called FlightData, that houses all the F4 variables.  The final statement Makes the entire variable available as 'F.'  If you wanted to view the F4 rpm variable, you would refer to it as F.rpm

Memory Mapping

VB does not directly support access to memory mapped files.  To access these files, we will use a few WIN32API functions.  The functions we will use are:

OpenFileMapping Opens the memory map for reading, returns a 'handle'
MapViewOfFile  Maps a 'view' of the file, or the start of the address space
UnmapViewOfFile UnMaps the view when we're finished
CloseHandle  Closes the file map and releases the handle

To use the above functions, you must first declare them in the 'Declarations' section of your VB code.  The syntax of the declare statements are (these must appear all on a single line each):

Declare Function OpenFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenFileMappingA" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long

Declare Function MapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFileMappingObject As Long, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetHigh As Long, ByVal dwFileOffsetLow As Long, ByVal dwNumberOfBytesToMap As Long) As Long

Declare Function UnmapViewOfFile Lib "kernel32" (lpBaseAddress As Any) As Long

Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

As I mentioned in the beginning, in order to access the variables, we have to copy them to a data type that VB will access.  Fortunately we can copy the memory to a data 'type' variable through the use of another WIN32API function.  This function is called CopyMemory, and as with the above functions, must be declared in the 'Declarations' section of your program.  The syntax for the declare statement is:

Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal numbytes As Long)

How does it all work?

In this section, I'm going to use actual VB code, that is HEAVILY commented.  This code could be cut and pasted directly into a VB program, and should run as is!  Please keep in mind that this is meant as a tutorial that demonstrates how to access Falcon data from VB.  A 'useful' program requires a little bit more creativity.  Please see my F4Server.ZIP file on the simpits ftp server for a fully implemented program (source code included).

   Start of the program
   The first thing we want to do is get a 'handle' to the shared memory area.

SharedMemHandle = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, True, "FalconSharedMemoryArea")

   If Falcon is running, and we've done everything else properly, we should have a valid
   handle called 'SharedMemHandle'.  Next we'll test to see if this is true.

If SharedMemHandle Then
     If we have a valid SharedMemHandle, then let's map a view of the file.  This actually
     give us a pointer to the start of the memory location for the F4 variables.  This
     pointer is called 'SharedMemPointer'.
     SharedMemPointer = MapViewOfFile(SharedMemHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)

     If we didn't get a valid SharedMemHandle, then Falcon isn't running, or there is
     a bug in our code.

     Msgbox ( "Error:  Invalid Handle - Falcon is not running")

     Let's clean up our mess and shut down.  Since we never got a valid handle,
     we were never able to map a view of the file.  Just to be nice, we'll release
     the handle we tried to use.

     CloseHandle (SharedMemHandle)
End If

At this point, we have a valid handle, that we used to get a valid pointer!

Now lets move the data into our 'type' variable.  This is done
with the copymemory function

CopyMemory F, ByVal SharedMemPointer, Len(F)

All the variables are now available!  Please keep in mind that they
are only as current as the last time you executed the CopyMemory
function.  To keep them current, you must re-execute the CopyMemory

If we had a form with a textbox on it, this code would display our rpms

Form1.TextBox1.Text = F.rpm

If we had a form with a textbox on it, this code would display our indicated airspeed

Form1.TextBox2.Text = F.kias

To close everything down, and exit gracefully, we should first unmap our view
of the file

UnmapViewOfFile (SharedMemPointer)

Then we release our handle

CloseHandle (SharedMemHandle)

That's all

