[GEM Development] Cross-building the video drivers

John Elliott jce at seasip.info
Sat May 11 15:35:59 PDT 2024

I came across a mention of this DOS emulator the other day:
https://github.com/dmsc/emu2 . Rather than a full emulator like DOSBOX,
it runs a single DOS program in the terminal, mapping file accesses to
the current directory.

Seems to work well enough that I can build the GEM video drivers from
the Linux terminal, just by changing the Makefile to add

RASM86 = emu2 rasm86.exe
LINK86 = emu2 link86.exe

at the top of the file, and then replacing subsequent 'rasm86' and
'link86' with '$(RASM86)' and '$(LINK86)'

Slower than a virtualised solution like DOSEMU, but having proper
integration with the Linux terminal feels like it makes up for that.

John Elliott

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