Boeing 737 Trainer       by   Gene Buckle  and  Rob Hommel
Page 5

Here is the lower portion of the 737 CPT overhead.
At the bottom left of the overhead are the four landing light switches and next to those are the logo light switches.[?]
In the bottom center of the panel are the engine start switches.  These switches are really kind of interesting.  When you rotate the switch to the "start" position, a small electromagnet will hold the switch in that position.  When the engine lights off, the switch will snap back into the "Run" position.  I got lucky and was able to accquire a pair of these.
The panel running along the center of the overhead deals with cockpit overhead lighting and the seabelt and flight attendant signs.  At the bottom of the center panel is the winshield wiper controls and rain repellant pump switches.

This is the upper portion of the overhead.  You'll notice to the left of the panel, the same slat/flap indicator that's found in the 727 behind the FE console.
To the right of that is the thrust reverser override panel.  I think this will provide an alternate source of power to the reverser mechanisms should the normal system fail.  Along the center line to the right of that is the dome light switch for the cockpit.  It can be off, white or red, depending on switch position.
On the far right of the panel is the stall warning override panel.  It allows the crew to shut off the stall warning horn if it's going off at the (obviously) wrong moment.

This is a wider view of the cockpit.  The handles you see hanging down from the two front windows are required to adjust the seats.  The seats slide forward and back like a normal car seat, but they also can be adjusted in height, thus the handles - needed to lift your seat up (with you in it, while holding the seat adjuster - can be quite a feat sometimes)

Copyright © 2000  Gene Buckle and Rob Hommel