SimPits Officer

Martin Ingold
Callsign : Pogo
Website :

Ever since I can remember I was addicted to everything that can fly, be it plane or chopper. Needless to mention that I was flying on my computer whenever I could, starting with F/A 18 Interceptor on a Amiga computer. I spent countless hours in front of a computer flying games like Strike Commander, Red Baron, Eurofighter 2000, all MS FS series starting from FS4, CFS and many others. In the meantime I made a break from all computer simulations and games, as the immersion was just not enough for me. Back about a year ago I bought Falcon4 and got immediately addicted. This simulation has just so much depth that you'll never need anything else. Not to mention that the F-16 is my favorite plane anyway, now I had a sim that I was looking for all the time (except for the bugs :) ).

Getting frustrated with finding the keyboard keys to press (you can't map them all to your HOTAS), I decided it would be time to start something really crazy: Building a cockpit. After a little search on the web, I found out that I'm not the only crazy out there. I found a lot of helpful information, resources and of course, a bunch of cool people that don't get bored when you talk about your cockpit and how to do stuff.

Soon I found out that it's time to make a serious decision, what direction to go with the cockpit project: As cheap as possible? Have it done as fast as possible? Go for ultimate realism?

I decided to go for ultimate realism, which means as many real parts as possible.

Of course, this means that it wont be done any soon, but I think it will be worth the wait. While I have been pretty successful with locating real parts, there's still a long way to go. With the Memreader I wrote, I hope to be able to make all the instruments and lights operational, showing the Falcon4 values.

I hope that when I'm done with my cockpit that it will be something unique out there.