Sketchbook1     by   Prohm "Rama" Snitwong
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  Since I had the desire to build my first home cockpit, I started collecting as much information as I could from everywhere. I travelled through the internet amoung various sites related to aviation and flight simming.  I got many inspirations from those sites and also found other incredible ideas even from my favorite movies also. Before I started to built anything, I spent a lot of time sketching everything that passed through my head into my sketchbook. Now I intend to arrange all of my recent ideas again into this document for everyone that may be interested and I hope it may help someone with diferent points of view or someone else can apply them to be of more use than I did in this book. I am willing to continue this article and collect as many ideas as I can. Any suggestion or any idea is also welcome. 

You can send your sketch to join this column anytime. I'll put your credit on the webpage.  Please feel free to send it to

These are the incredible production designs from the film '2001'. 
This film was produced in 60's. But it was as real as it could be in that day. 
Remember that many things in the movies didn't exist at that time like 3D
computer graphics and video teleconferencing using credit cards.

This also from the film '2001'. I really like this design, It's so real and not fancy.

I found later that it's a very interesting idea to use a spherical tank for the cockpit. It's a water container. For a big one, it's bigger enough for 1 person to get inside. It's made from  plastic and easy to deal with it. I'm not sure this kind of water 
tank is available or not in another country (I'll take a photo later if it possible). This idea is suitable to
Spacecraft or Mech cockpit projects.

view inside the space cockpit

view inside the space cockpit